Monthly Archives: July 2024

Bracing Against the Possibility That the Other Guy Might Win: The Complexities of Binary Systems

I started to write this blog on Wednesday, July 24th, three days after President Biden announced that he would no longer run for a second presidential term, and said he wanted to pass the baton to current Vice President Kamala … Continue reading

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Prerequisites for the Supreme Court and Many Other Jobs

(Image source) As can be read in the top image, the concept of prerequisites has its origin in academia. However, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to extend the definition to the changing realities throughout life, including almost … Continue reading

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The Day After: The Far Future

(Image source: Institute for Justice) The last blog ended with the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions: These cases questioned whether judges should defer to agencies’ interpretation of gaps and ambiguities in the laws they implement under the Chevron doctrine. … Continue reading

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The Day After: November 5th

(By Nancy Ohanian, Source: Seattle Times) It was the aftermath of a discouraging debate that made me create a series about the “day after” November 5th. I ended last week’s blog with this:  It was clear (to me) that if … Continue reading

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The Day After: A Solar Future?

Many of us saw the Netflix series “3 Body Problem,” which is set on a planet that circulates two suns. The series is based on a book and has been renewed for another season. Those of us who liked the … Continue reading

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