Search Results for: campus as a lab


(Source: US Census Bureau) 2023 was a mess, from my perspective (see last week’s blog). It is almost a given for me that 2024 will be better. A good start for readers may be to go back to my first … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 1 Comment

Approaching Retirement

(Source: Piermont Wealh Management) To the followers of this blog (starting in April 2012) this title will not be a surprise. I am an old guy and I am seriously thinking about retirement, meaning that I am starting to think … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 6 Comments

This Might Not be the Best Answer to Our Enrollment Crisis

Figure 1 – A subway ad for for CUNY highlighting different clubs The other day, on my way to work, I was staring at an ad that was posted on the wall of the train (Figure 1). I got interested … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 4 Comments

AI’s Take on Student Input into Institutional Commitments

I asked Google for an image of “climate action plans of universities and colleges.” Below is a screenshot of what I got: I went on and asked the same search engine (I am fully aware of the charge that Google … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 5 Comments

Students’ Input into Institutional Commitments: Climate Action Plans

College enrollment has become an important issue that preoccupies most schools, including mine. The reasons are complex and will not be addressed here. Most colleges also, whether directly or indirectly, live on public support. If the public, through its elected … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 4 Comments

Incorporating Changing Reality into College Strategic Plans: Part 6: The Many Ways

Senator Schumer coordinated what was probably the most consequential senate resolution in his tenure as majority leader, close to midnight on Thursday (June 1st). Even so, he was able to show up Friday morning at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center, to celebrate … Continue reading

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Incorporating Changing Reality into College Strategic Plans: Part 2: Matching Students’ Expectations

This series of blogs started around Earth Day (April 25, 2023 post), with a question of how best to incorporate Earth Day’s aspiration on a local level. I decided to focus on my own college and university: Brooklyn College (BC) … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 1 Comment

Teaching Students to be Involved in the Energy Transition

Spring Break at Brooklyn College I am starting this blog at the tail-end of spring break at my university (CUNY). It will be posted as classes recommence for a month, followed by final exams and the summer break. This is … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 1 Comment

 Happy New Year and Back to the Anthropocene

Source: Economic World Forum The Anthropocene is back in the news: “For Planet Earth, This Might Be the Start of a New Age” by Raymond Zhong The official timeline of Earth’s history — from the oldest rocks to the‌ dinosaurs to … Continue reading

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Attribution: Noah’s Ark

During the active academic year, my main focus for this blog is to provide help to my students in their research assignments. I try to address the blog’s main focus—global transitions (with an emphasis on climate change)—while also staying relevant … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 5 Comments