Search Results for: campus as a lab


My plan was to write a continuation of the previous blog about Campus as a Lab (CAL) (July 19, 2022) but as usual, reality interfered in a big way! I got a Facebook message from a friend that included the … Continue reading

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What Am I Doing??

Over the last few blogs I cried, together with many others, about the direction in which the country and the world are going. It reached a stage where a friend told me that she didn’t celebrate the 4th of July … Continue reading

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Conclusions From COP26

This semester, I am teaching two courses directly related to climate change. I start both with an exploration of the basic science involved. It’s a multidisciplinary topic that requires using first principles to address the overlap of the physical, natural, … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Economics, Energy, Sustainability, UN | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Minimizing the Cost of the Transition

The last two blogs tried to make the case that—without the full participation of developing countries—the energy transition away from fossil fuels is bound to fail. In the first of these two blogs (April 30th) I quoted two paragraphs from … Continue reading

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Distributed Generation, Net Metering, and VDER

Figure 1 – Characteristics of 16 distributed generation utilities in the US (Source: “Quantifying net energy metering subsidies,” from the Electricity Journal; there may be a pay barrier for the full PDF article) Last week’s blog started from the broader … Continue reading

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My Full-Scale Global Focus

(Source: Ismail Sadiron/EyeEm/Getty Images via Harvard Business Review) Things are happening around each one of us on all scales; we better pay attention. Two weeks ago (November 21st), I started a series of blogs focused on what I can do … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, COP, Sustainability | 4 Comments

Student Impacts on College Priorities

(Source: ABC News: Andie Noonan via Greeneration Foundation) College strategic plans reflect colleges’ priorities (put “college strategic plans” into the search box to review prior blogs). Reflecting on my own school, when the budget becomes tight, and there is a … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | 4 Comments

Incorporating Changing Reality into College Strategic Plans: Part 5: Extending Boundaries

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller My last blog finished with a promise that this blog would propose ways to incorporate attempts to understand accelerated global changes into the strategic plans of local schools. Again, I will focus on my school. … Continue reading

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Incorporating Changing Reality into College Strategic Plans: Part 4: Incorporated Research

Physics laboratory at Brooklyn College This blog tries to deliver on last week’s blog’s promise to look at the broader impacts of research in the Brooklyn College (BC) Strategic Plan. As I’ve mentioned in earlier blogs in this series, universities … Continue reading

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Incorporating Changing Reality into College Strategic Plans: Part 1

Last week’s blog focused on the celebration of Earth Day, ending with a promise that this week’s blog would focus on a local effort. The natural local effort for me to address is my place of work: the City University … Continue reading

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