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Tag Archives: Ted Cruz
Giving Up is Not an Option: Let’s Focus on What We Still Can Do
Bridge used to be one of my favorite social activities (when my free time was a bit more abundant). To those not familiar with the rules, the basic structure is simple: one deck of cards, two teams of two. Wikipedia … Continue reading
Posted in administration, Anthropocene, Anthropogenic, Climate Change, politics, Sustainability
Tagged Adaptation, administration, Al Gore, alps, Antarctica, Anthropocene, Anthropogenic, assessment, attribution, Australia, Bangladesh, bridge, Britain, budget, California, causality, cause, China, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, CO2 emissions, Congress, contract, desert, Drought, Energy, energy transition, Environment, Extreme Weather, forecast, Fossil Fuels, funding, Future, Game, GAO, Global Warming, globalization, Government, greenhouse gas, Greenland, heat, heat wave, heatwave, History, indoctrination, James Inhofe, James Lankford, Jim Hansen, John Sunumu, Mauritania, Meteorologist, Meteorology, Mitigation, penguin, political, politics, probabilistic, propaganda, Rafe Pomerance, Rand Paul, Republican, risk, Science, sea ice, senator, strategy, Sustainability, Switzerland, Teaching, Technology, Ted Cruz, Texas, TV, Weather
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Climate Change and Federal Government Funding
Last week I looked at four Republican senators’ efforts to terminate government funding for television meteorologists who mention climate change as part of the forecast. I also discussed the issue in light of the global heat wave and the havoc … Continue reading
Posted in Anthropocene, Anthropogenic, Climate Change, politics, Sustainability
Tagged accountability, Adaptation, administration, Anthropocene, Anthropogenic, assessment, attribution, Britain, budget, causality, cause, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, Drought, Environment, Extreme Weather, forecast, funding, GAO, Global Warming, globalization, Government, heat, heat wave, heatwave, indoctrination, James Inhofe, James Lankford, Japan, Kelvin Droegemeier, laos, Meteorologist, Meteorology, Mitigation, National Research Council, political, politics, probabilistic, propaganda, Rand Paul, Republican, risk, Science, science adviser, senator, Sustainability, Technology, Ted Cruz, TV, UK, Weather, weather system
Science or Indoctrination?
Earlier this month (July 3rd and 10th) I wrote two blogs about a heat wave that was affecting my home of NYC and how it impacted me. The weather here now is lovely (around 85oF, with bearable humidity and no … Continue reading
Posted in administration, Anthropocene, Anthropogenic, Climate Change, immigration, politics, refugee, Sustainability
Tagged Adaptation, air conditioner, air conditioning, Anthropocene, Anthropogenic, attribution, Britain, California, causality, cause, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, coping, dam, Drought, Environment, Extreme Weather, Finland, fire, Flood, Global Warming, globalization, Greece, heat, heat wave, heatwave, indoctrination, intensity, James Inhofe, James Lankford, Japan, laos, Meteorologist, Meteorology, NSF, political, politics, Pool, probabilistic, propaganda, Rand Paul, Science, Sustainability, Sweden, Technology, Ted Cruz, UK, Weather, wildfire, World Population
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Dynamic Scoring: Taxes and Climate Change
Our government’s executive and legislative branches, are in the midst of discussing two important issues: tax breaks and climate change. Well, in truth, the only real discussion going on has to do with the tax legislation. Climate change is only … Continue reading
Posted in administration, Anthropogenic, Climate Change, COP21, IPCC, law, Sustainability, Trump, UN, UNFCCC
Tagged Accounting, Adaptation, analysis, budget, business as usual, byrd rule, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, CO2 emissions, Congress, COP23, debt, deficit, Democrat, Donald Trump, dynamic accounting, dynamic analysis, Economics, Economy, Emissions, Energy, energy transition, Environment, Fiji, fire, Fossil Fuels, GDP, Global Warming, GOP, governance, Government, greenhouse gas, Growth, heatwave, IPCC, loss, Mitigation, Obamacare, Paris accord, Paris Agreement, Reagan, Republican, risk, Science, sea ice, sea level, Tax, tax cut, tax reform, Technology, Ted Cruz, Temperature, Trump, UN, UNFCCC, US, vote, voter
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Climate Change and the Election: What is at Stake?
I started writing this blog on Wednesday, April 13. On that day, 71 years ago, I was liberated by American Army soldiers while on my way from Bergen-Belsen to Theresienstadt (Terezin). This blog will be posted on Tuesday, April 19 … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change
Tagged Adaptation, American, analysis, Bergen-Belsen, Bernie Sanders, camp, candidate, China, civilization, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, CO2, CO2 emissions, concentration camp, death, democracy, Democrat, Democratization, detail, disaster, DNNer, Donald Trump, Economics, Economy, Education, Election, election day, eligible, Emissions, employment, Energy, Environment, Fossil Fuels, Future, Germany, Global Warming, governance, greenhouse gas, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Holocaust, income distribution, indicator, Infrastructure, Jew, John Kasich, Judaism, liberator, Marco Rubio, Mitigation, Murder, Nazi, New York, NY, Obama, Past, Physics, political party, politician, politics, Population, Population Growth, Poverty, Power, president, presidential election, primary, Republican, sanitation, Science, soldier, State, survivor, Sustainability, Technology, Ted Cruz, Terezin, Theresienstadt, Unemployment, US, victim, vote, voter, Voting, Water, World Bank, World Population, Yom Hashoa
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Democracy vs. Oligarchy Part 5: Can Psychology Help with a U-Turn?
A week from the posting of this blog, primaries will take place in NY State. It is the first time I can remember when the presidential primary will have such a large impact on both the Democratic and the Republican … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change
Tagged Adaptation, ads, allegiance, altruism, American, Anthropogenic, Balance, battle, behavioral science, benefit, Bernie Sanders, campaign, candidate, caucus, census, Christian, Citizen, Citizens United, Citizenship, civic duty, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, CO2 emissions, compulsory voting, constitution, Cost, country, democracy, Democracy Index, Democrat, Democratization, Distribution, Donald Trump, Draft, duty, Economics, Economy, Education, effort, Election, election day, electoral college, electoral system, electorate, eligible, elite, email, Enos, expressive voting, Facebook, flawed democracy, formula, founding fathers, full democracy, game theory, Global Warming, gratification, green card, Hillary Clinton, holiday, household, immigrant, immigration, Income, income distribution, Income Inequality, Inequality, influence, Iowa, Jew, Jewish, John Kasich, justice, justification, justify, Koch brothers, Marco Rubio, Mitigation, money, motivation, motivator, muslim, nation, non-voter, nonvoter, NYC, Obama, oligarch, oligarchy, Palestine, participation, partisan, personal sacrifice, political, political party, political psychology, politician, politics, polls, presidential election, probability, psychology, register, registered voter, Republican, retiree, Science, settlement, shame, shaming, skirmish, Social Media, social obligation, sovereign, Sovereign State, soviet union, spy, strategy, Supreme Court, Sustainability, Ted Cruz, Time, turnout, TV, Twitter, US, value, vote, voter, voter registration, Voting, voting age, Wealth, World Population, worth, worth it
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Democracy vs. Oligarchy Part 4: Money of the Few Can Be Balanced By the Will of the Many
I am back here with the title that started this series (March 15); this time, I’ll attempt to emphasize the second part of the phrase: how to reverse direction from the constant march toward oligarchy back to a constitutional democracy … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change
Tagged Adaptation, ads, allegiance, altruism, American, Anthropogenic, APA, Army, Balance, battle, benefit, Bernie Sanders, British, candidate, Citizen, Citizens United, Citizenship, civic duty, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, CO2 emissions, compulsory voting, Connecticut, constitution, continental army, Cost, country, democracy, Democracy Index, Democrat, Democratization, dictator game, die, Distribution, Donald Trump, Draft, duty, Economics, Economy, Education, effort, Election, election day, electoral college, electoral system, electorate, eligible, elite, Enos, expressive voting, Facebook, flawed democracy, formula, founding fathers, Fowler, full democracy, game theory, Global Warming, gratification, green card, Hillary Clinton, holiday, household, immigrant, immigration, Income, income distribution, Income Inequality, Inequality, influence, Israel, Jew, Jewish, Joseph Trumpeldor, Judaism, justice, justification, justify, Koch brothers, Marco Rubio, Military, Mitigation, money, motivation, motivator, Nathan Hale, nation, NYC, Obama, oligarch, oligarchy, Ordeshook, Palestine, participation, partisan, personal sacrifice, political, political party, political psychology, politician, politics, presidential election, probability, psychology, register, registered voter, Republican, retiree, Riker, Science, settlement, skirmish, Social Media, social obligation, soldier, sovereign, Sovereign State, soviet union, spy, Supreme Court, Sustainability, Ted Cruz, Tel-Hai, Time, turnout, TV, Twitter, US, value, vote, voter, voter registration, Voting, voting age, Wealth, World Population, worth, worth it
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Democracy vs. Oligarchy Part 3: Who Shows Up?
(March 22, 2016): Close to half of the country – mostly that in the low income end of the financial spectrum – does not participate in choosing our government. The courts have amplified this inequality by allowing an unlimited use … Continue reading
Posted in Anthropogenic, Climate Change, Sustainability
Tagged Adaptation, age, America, Anthropogenic, attendance, Bernie Sanders, black, campaign, candidate, census, Citizens United, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, college, constitution, contribution, couple, democracy, Democracy Index, Democrat, Democratization, Distribution, Donald Trump, donation, Economics, Economy, Education, Election, electoral system, electorate, eligible, Family, finance, financial, flawed democracy, founding fathers, full democracy, fund, GDP, Gender, Global Warming, graduate school, high school, Hillary Clinton, hispanic, household, Income, income distribution, Inequality, Koch, Koch brothers, median, midterm, Mitigation, money, New York, Obama, OECD, oligarch, oligarchy, PAC, participation, pew, political, political party, politician, politics, Politifact, Population, post-grad, presidential election, Race, registered voter, registration, Republican, restriction, Science, statistics, Supreme Court, Sustainability, Ted Cruz, Thomas Piketty, turnout, US, vote, voter, voter restriction, voter turnout, Voting, voting age, Wealth, white, World Population
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Democracy vs. Oligarchy Part 2: Which People Vote?
Last week (March 15) we looked at three key findings: From the Pew Research survey of voters cast in OECD countries, the United States (ranked 4th from the bottom in the voters participation survey (2012 presidential elections) records about 55% … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change
Tagged Adaptation, Anthropogenic, attendance, Bernie Sanders, California, campaign, candidate, census, China, Citizens United, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Change and tagged Adaptation, Climate Change Denial, Climate Change Deniers, Climate Skeptics, constitution, contribution, couple, democracy, Democracy Index, Democrat, Democratization, Distribution, Donald Trump, donation, Economics, Economy, Education, Election, electoral system, electorate, eligible, Family, finance, financial, flawed democracy, founding fathers, full democracy, fund, GDP, Global Warming, Hillary Clinton, household, Income, income distribution, Income Inequality, Inequality, Jeffrey Winters, Koch, Koch brothers, Marco Rubio, married, median, Mitigation, money, New York, Obama, OECD, oligarch, oligarchy, Olklahoma, PAC, participation, pew, political, political party, politician, politics, Politifact, Population, presidential election, registered voter, registration, Republican, restriction, Russia, russian federation, Science, single, soviet union, Supreme Court, Sustainability, Ted Cruz, Texas, Thomas Piketty, turnout, US, USSR, vote, voter, voter restriction, voter turnout, Voting, voting age, Wealth, World Population
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